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Dried mango Vetnam 500 gr
Mango is natural without sugar. Proteins - 1.48 g, Fats-0.78 g, Carbohydrates -61.6 g. The energy value is 1314 kJ (314 kCal). Without additives, Without GMOs
950 s
Dried peaches Armenia 100 gr
Gorgeous, sweet and sour, fragrant, meaty!.. Dried without any additives, 100% free of sugar and sulfur dioxide. Moderately tender and long-playing, with a bright fruity sourness! The peach connoisseur will love him! These peaches are definitely not treated with sulfur, so the gray spots darkened during drying. The more ripe the peach was, the darker it darkens... In general, peaches in Armenia are very fleshy, and even very ripe peaches have dense flesh. Due to this, the fruit retains its shape during drying. Dried peach turns out to be moderately tender, moderately "long-playing". Very lego and chews pleasantly. It does not melt in the mouth, but rather gradually reveals its shades of taste ... The taste is moderately sweet, from sweet to sweet and sour with a pleasant pronounced fruity sourness. Dried peaches are not cloying, and very refreshing! The product is a moderately low glycemic index, which will appeal to supporters of proper nutrition, as well as those who simply do not like too sweet dried fruits :)) Before drying, the peaches were washed with clean water, carefully peeled and washed again. The product is ready to use, however, it is recommended to rinse with warm water - the peach will become even more tender and fragrant
160 s
Apples marshmallows Armenia 100 gr
Apples are soft, tender, light, as if "marshmallow". The taste is very rich, moderately sweet, with a pleasant slight sourness. Before drying, the apples were washed twice and completely ready for eating! For compote, we recommend using cheaper apples dried in the fresh air. It was possible to get a product of this quality only in a modern dryer with temperature and humidity control. Drying was carried out at a temperature of 60 to 40 degrees, absolutely without the use of foreign substances such as sugar, salt, sulfur dioxide, citric acid, etc. They have a magical delicate aroma of fruits and no foreign odors
130 s
Dried plum variety Victoria (sour) 100 gr
The red plum was carefully dried in Armenia in a specially equipped dryer in partial shade. This drying method allowed to preserve all the useful substances of fresh fruit. Plum "Victoria" is a real victory for natural dried fruits! Incredibly bright sweet and sour taste, moderately tender flesh and completely natural gentle drying. 100% will delight all connoisseurs of dried fruits and just gourmets! After drying, the plum was put in boxes and put in the refrigerator. Perfectly fresh, fragrant, surprisingly healthy, moderately sweet with a bright fruity taste! The photo shows a light shine from the sticky juice that stood out during the drying process. We give a 100% guarantee that the plum is not treated with oil and no preservatives. Absolutely does not contain a single gram of added sugar and sulfur dioxide. Only completely natural selected dried fruits from Armenia
120 s
Dried whole prunes without seeds Armenia 100 gr
This natural prune came to us from sunny Armenia! Immediately after harvesting from the tree, large and fleshy plums are carefully dried absolutely without the use of sulfur dioxide, without any additives! Prunes were not treated with oil! The flesh is not dry, moderately soft, very pliable and bright inside. The plums were dried without interfering with the structure of the fruit, the stone was carefully squeezed out and the plum was dried literally entirely. No bacteria or air could get inside, which means there were no oxidation processes inside. In practice, this means that bio prunes have retained all the useful and nutritious properties of fresh plums! A wonderful source of micro- and macroelements, potassium and, of course, fiber that is so important for intestinal health! Meet the completely natural "bio" prunes from sunny Armenia! Now on the tables of all fans of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is a magical sweet and sour, with many natural fruit shades. The taste of this dried fruit will help you completely replace store-bought sweets with healthy ones! And without any effort to exclude products made of sugar and refined flour from the diet! :))) Be healthy, full of strength and energy!
120 s
Dried prunes in halves Armenia 100 gr
Large and fleshy plums, dried in the fresh air, in a completely natural way under a canopy in partial shade. Fleshy, sweet flesh and elastic skin with a bright fruity sourness! The natural white wax coating of ripe plums has been preserved on the skin! The fragrance is magical ! Prunes contain many useful substances: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins A, B, E and C. Regular consumption of prunes helps to strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body, improve the activity of the heart muscle due to the high content of potassium. However, it is important to remember that prunes are usually treated with harmful additives: sulfur dioxide, preservatives, oil of unknown origin, sugar syrup. Chemicals can cause allergies and digestive disorders, especially in children. Our prunes are completely natural drying, without any processing. If you want to get an excellent substitute for harmful sweets and sweets for tea - you can wash and eat right away. Prunes are elastic, a little "long-playing". If you want to give to a child, it is better to pour boiling water for 10-15 minutes, it will become soft and very fleshy. If you pour cold water overnight, in the morning you will see real halves of fresh plums from your grandmother's cottage in a plate
120 s
Dried pear Armenia 100 gr
Incredibly tender dried pear! Peeled and dried whole! Without sugar and sulfur dioxide! Thanks to careful drying, the pear turned out very beautiful and, most importantly, very tasty! The taste ranges from moderately sweet to very sweet, depending on the ripeness of the pears. As usual, with natural drying, more ripe fruits turn out darker, and they are also the most delicious, soft and sweet :)) An exquisite delicacy for gourmets and connoisseurs of real dried fruits, without any processing: without the use of sulfur dioxide and 100% sugar-free! Life Hack: The pear itself is sticky because of the sweet pulp, but you can eat holding a stick and your hands stay clean!
160 s
Dried cherry yellow Armenia 100 gr
Cherries are one of the most famous berries. The sweet and sour taste of these berries will not leave anyone indifferent. The benefits of cherries are undeniable. Its fruits contain glucose, fructose, fiber, vitamins B, K, PP, A, organic acids (succinic, malic and citric), as well as the necessary micro and macroelements: copper, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, manganese, iodine. Cherry eliminates putrefactive processes in the intestines, improves gastric motility, removes harmful substances from the body. The berry positively affects the work of the heart, brain, improves blood circulation, metabolic processes, prevents thrombosis. Cherries are not only very tasty, but also useful. It has a mild diuretic effect, so you can use it for kidney and liver diseases. Saturates with iron in anemia. Ascorbic acid strengthens the heart and blood vessels, provitamin A strengthens bones, teeth, and has a beneficial effect on vision. Coumarin, contained in the composition of cherries, keeps the body in good shape, helps weakened people recover faster.
170 s
Churchkhela in pomegranate juice with walnut Armenia 1 piece
The recipe for churchkhela has not changed for centuries. These are nuts covered with pomegranate juice with the addition of a small amount of flour (for greater viscosity). During the cooking process, the nuts are strung on a thread and covered with a dense layer of thick syrup. After the syrup dries, the churchkhela is ready. Our Churchkhela is made from natural juice, and each nut is selected manually. Our Churchkhela does not contain chemical additives and GMOs. Churchkhela is a healthy dessert, a healthy alternative to store—bought sweets. It is convenient to take it with you to have a really tasty snack during the day. Ingredients: walnut, pomegranate juice, granulated sugar, wheat flour, citric acid, cinnamon, cloves. 100g of the product contains: Protein 5.6 g Carbohydrates: 10.3 g Fat: 57.3 g Energy value: 345 kcal.
130 s
Churchkhela in grape juice with walnut Armenia 1 piece
The recipe for churchkhela has not changed for centuries. These are nuts covered with grape juice with the addition of a small amount of flour (for greater viscosity). During the cooking process, the nuts are strung on a thread and covered with a dense layer of thick syrup. After the syrup dries, the churchkhela is ready. Our Churchkhela is made from natural juice, and each nut is selected manually. Our Churchkhela does not contain chemical additives and GMOs. Churchkhela is a healthy dessert, a healthy alternative to store—bought sweets. It is convenient to take it with you to have a really tasty snack during the day. Ingredients: walnut, grape juice, granulated sugar, wheat flour, citric acid, cinnamon, cloves. 100g of the product contains: Protein 5.6 g Carbohydrates: 10.3 g Fat: 57.3 g Energy value: 345 kcal.
130 s
Fruit churchkhela (walnut with figs, walnut with dried apricots, walnut with prunes) 10 pcs
Fruit churchkhela consists of balls in pomegranate juice stuffed with walnuts with dried figs, dried apricots or prunes. A very tasty combination of dried fruits with nuts complements pomegranate juice. Our Churchkhela does not contain chemical additives and GMOs. Churchkhela is a healthy dessert, a healthy alternative to store—bought sweets. It is convenient to take it with you to have a really tasty snack during the day. Ingredients: walnut, pomegranate juice, figs, prunes, dried apricots, granulated sugar, wheat flour, citric acid, cinnamon, cloves.
420 s
Almonds in cherries and cherries mix Armenia 100 gr
Armenian sweets are a real paradise, an abundance of taste and the dream of any sweet tooth. This is exactly what those who were lucky enough to taste the generous Armenian cuisine say. Many sweets have become traditional dishes here, they are prepared according to special recipes, the skill is passed down from generation to generation. For production, as a rule, selected nuts and the sunniest dried fruits are used - maybe this is the secret of a special taste. Our almonds with cherries are an incomparable Armenian delicacy, thought out to the smallest detail. Amazing flavor combination of sweet and sour juicy berries and milky, slightly sweet, peeled almonds! Exquisite crunch and juiciness in one bottle!
180 s
Peeled pecan 100 gr
Cleaned by hand, almost all the whole, neat halves. Similar to walnuts, but the taste is sweeter, richer, buttery. These delicious nuts are highly appreciated by confectioners for their exceptional taste and nutritional properties)) The unique, rich, slightly tart sweet taste of these nuts gives any baking or desserts a special personality :)) Just looking at the photo of a pie with pecans is already salivating, I imagine what flavor it has when baked :) We bring to your attention selected halves of pecans - all whole, without membranes and parts of the shells. Only 100% pure nuts)) The nuts were grown in hot Mexico, they came to us from overseas in vacuum packaging, which allowed them to be kept fresh without any chemical treatment. substances
280 s
Brazil nut peeled 100 gr
Anyone who takes care of their health, wants to have a toned figure and beautiful skin, will no doubt be interested in such a wonderful product as Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts are harvested in the Amazon jungle - these are gigantic trees 500-100 years old and as tall as a 15-storey house! Can you imagine that? Indeed, an incredibly beautiful and fascinating demonstration of the power of Nature! The nuts are the freshest, very fragrant, with a wonderful rich taste. A treat for real gourmets and not only! After all, the benefits of Brazil nuts are truly invaluable, only 2-3 nuts contain a daily norm of selenium, which is extremely important, first of all, for women's health, it helps to carry a healthy baby, without malformations and congenital abnormalities. Selenium plays a very important role in strengthening immunity and preventing the development of cancer. It is this trace element that is needed for the synthesis of enzymes that destroy foreign cells. The antioxidants that make up the nut help us maintain health and beauty for longer, and vitamin E, which is so much in the Brazil nut, is very necessary for women – it is often called the vitamin of beauty and youth. Shiny hair, elastic skin and strong nails are impossible without a sufficient amount of vitamin E, and since it belongs to fat–soluble, it is very convenient to get it from Brazil nuts - there are up to 60% fats!
220 s
Cashews in the husk will be 100 g
Similarly to its brethren, cashews also contain a huge number of substances useful for the human body. Slightly oily, but incredibly tender, cashews contain a lower percentage of fat than nuts such as almonds or walnuts. But there is even more protein, carbohydrates, and other important substances in cashew nuts. Cashews contain all subspecies of B vitamins, vitamins PP, E, iron, selenium, potassium, many other important trace elements, as well as Omega-3, which makes these nuts a source of most vital substances. The creamy taste of cashews, delicate and delicate, has long been appreciated by cooks in many countries. These nuts are used to add to confectionery, first and second courses, sauces, salads, or as an independent snack. They are especially loved in Indian and Asian cuisines
250 s
Pine nuts, peeled 100 gr
Immediately after cleaning, the nut kernels are packed in a vacuum, the freshest, new harvest from Buryatia Buryat walnut is distinguished by the highest quality and soft, sweet taste of kernels. Pine nuts contain very valuable amino acids, vitamins and healthy fats. Especially useful for children, pregnant and nursing mothers. After opening the package, I recommend storing it in the refrigerator, it is best to close the package tightly with a clothespin
280 s
Peeled hazelnuts 100 gr
This hazelnut is grown and harvested in the mountain villages of Dagestan, in courtyards and small gardens. The trees there are definitely not treated with anything and are not fertilized with chemicals. Perhaps that is why the taste of nuts is so magical! Nuts are cleaned right before shipping, then additionally sorted manually. Hazelnuts are really of the highest quality. Hazelnuts without membranes and scales, also without spoiled nuts! Each nut is of perfect quality, has a fresh shiny kernel))) The taste is wonderful, sweet and fresh)) Thanks to the vacuum packaging, freshness is perfectly preserved, as if the nut has just come from the tree :)) And hazelnuts also contain a large amount of vitamin E, B vitamins and a huge supply of micro- and macro-elements))) Take it, you won't regret it!!!))
120 s
Royal dates Israel 100 gr
150 s
Dried mango Inetnam 100 gr
Mango is natural without sugar. Proteins - 1.48 g, Fats-0.78 g, Carbohydrates -61.6 g. The energy value is 1314 kJ (314 kCal). Without additives, Without GMOs
250 s
Box "Assorted dried fruits"
Marshmallow apples, dried peaches, pear, dried persimmon, prunes, victoria plum, dried mango, yellow cherry
800 s